On april 20, 2003, i manage to convince my business partner to keep our club open on Easter, something totally uncommon at the time in Italy. Being in charge of class planning, as well as a class attendee, I decided to run a 3hours back-to-back class, with Spinning, Step, and “GAG” (abdos-fessier) . The original web page is here:
Well that was not repeted and I guess Fabio Zecchi did not repeat it anymore after that (but who knows? I might be wrong).
Come 2016... I’now just an “adherent”, but really enjoy being in a nation where - on easter day - it is perfectly normal to see a gym run in “business as usual” mode. And if the weather turns rainy (as this afternoon) being able to check in for a class or two. So here I’m (well...very tiny, with the blue shirt, more or less below the “gag” of the red-shirt lady) doing Pump at 18.30 on easter day, 2016 at Fitlane Nice centre)