Yesterday, after the daily workout, Anto called over the phone and "RUSH!! RUSH!! the christmas tres is "flying away" -- it is self-destroying" . With a sort of british calm, I reached home to find the tree laying on our window, not really destroyed.
Anyway the wind was really strong.
Anto's suggestion: take the tree indoor -- hardly a solution in my view, the tree (having been bought for the larger Como's home) would have taken all the space of our living room.
So I decided the right solution was to block it with some wires (four of them in different positions):
After all, the wind could not "really" make it fly away.
Or could it ?
Here's the scene down here, rue Andrioli with Promenade des Anglais at 5.45 am this morning:
Tree satellite dishes (antenna) did not resist the wind and falled down! Many other structures that I saw this morning were also laying in pieces on the ground.
Maybe next time Anto calls I'll rush a little bit more.
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