Let's look at this image:
On the left, the level of mSv that we are exposed to, according to NHK World (broadcast today @9pm). On the right, same data according to Wikipedia.
That is:
Accoring to NHK, a chest scan is 50 mSv. However Wikipedia states that it is only 6-19 mSv.
According to NHK, travelling one year on a NY-Tokio flight is 200 mSv, but wikipedia states it is just 9 mSv.
Now...MIT students weblog states °sickness° is at 1000 mSv (http://mitnse.com/2011/03/16/news-updates-and-current-status-of-facilities/), but read this:
Japan's science ministry has observed radiation levels of up to 0.33 millisieverts per hour in areas about 20 kilometers northwest of the quake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. |
Experts say exposure to such radiation for 3 hours would result in absorption of 1 millisievert, or the maximum considered safe for 1 year.
Sbaglio o sembrano tutti numeri buttati giu' a caso ?
(nothing makes sense here)