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Posted at 07:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (6)
I miss a lot Vox's "explore neighbour" functionality.
While it is true that Typepad has a list of "followed" person's activity, it is no match: many times, interesting posts get lost, in between dozens and dozens of comments from anybody on anything
(Typepad non ha un equivalente della funzionaltia' "explore neighbour" di Vox. E' vero, nel dashboard c''e modo di seguire le attività degli amici, ma spesso risulta essere un elenco infinito di commenti su ogni cosa, e i post vanno persi (nel senso che sono troppe pagine indietro)).
But now there's a solution, that also is useful for keeping track of interesting websites updates.
Just download the free "NetNewsWire" application (on the Mac) or the free "FeedlerRSS" applet on the iPad.
Then "sync" them with your google account.
Once you "tell" either google, NetNewsWire or Feedler what sites or blogs are interesting for you, it will automatically present a list of all activities, as well as let you browse them directly
(la soluzione sono i lettori di feed RSS, tra cui trovo bellissimi i gratuiti NetNewsWire su mac o Feedler su iPad. E' sufficiente sincronizzarli con il proprio account Google, e aggiungere la lista dei sito e dei blog che si vuole seguire, per avere sempre un elenco degli aggiornamenti di questi siti).
Here is an example of the screen you can get from Feedler:
In the left column you have the list of the items I follow. Among them
- "A Nice PX time" (my blog onto typepad)
- "Almost blue in reverse" (a blog on blogger)
- Antos'bubble (Antos blog on Typepad)
- "I Cringley" and "the gadget expert" (both blogs on Wordpress)
- MacDaily News (a Website about the mac)
After clicking (or tapping) on one of them, I can get a list of recent posts in the right box. In this example, i had tappen onto LeicaCats blog, and I can see all of his recent posts: "Tokyo Waterfront", etc. The one with the blue circle are the ones that I did not look at from within this applications (in fact I had already looked at them via browser).
Once I tap (or click) in the right box onto a blog title, I can look at them full screen as shown here:
and if I tap onto the title Safari starts up on the same blog entry as well (in case I need it for some reason).
How do I tell these application what sites and blogs interest me ?
Easy, just look for the RSS symbol, or a link called "subscribe" onto the blogs. As an example, here is the symbol on maya's blog:
(it is the "abbonez-vous" link on the bottom left in this partiucular case). You will get a URL that looks like this: http://sometimesyouwakeup.typepad.com/blog/atom.xml
Just press the "+" button (on bottom left).
Final note: you can get the same functionality from "google reader", but the "user experience" is much better with the clients I mentioned, letting google only keep track of your feeds (therefore syncing feeds among MAC, iPad etc)
Posted at 10:49 AM | Permalink | Comments (7)
As of saturday, if I upload a Flickr photo OF MINE into typepad (via via the "insert image" icon and pasting the FLICKR URL into the dialog box) I get a SMALL Image, such as:
(the URL is http://www.flickr.com/photos/49120512@N08/5088851777/)
HOWEVER if I load with the VERY SAME procedure a photo by someone else (as my friend Mau)
it works as usual:
(the URL here is http://www.flickr.com/photos/mauriziomessa/5091838301/in/contacts/)
What is going on here ???
Posted at 11:46 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
After about one year of life here in Nice, and after visiting almost all "downtown" cinemas here is the opportunity to go out (about 15Km) to Langostière for "INCEPTION".
All downtown theatres look more or less the same, the best way to describe them is "Cinema Mignon, Milano". That is, little space, medium quality.
But here we have a real Multiplex, in fact one with the "VILLAGE" logo still very visible on each seat.
Was "Warner Village" present in France, as in Italy, with its "Moby-Ferry" Style ?
Not at all: Last year Antonio told me that "Warner Village" did not mean "A village by Warner" but rather a JV....so here it was only "Village".
Pathe took it over sometime last year, so now it is called "Pathe Langostiere", and looks like this:
I shall say, usual "multiplex" look, but with very warm and pleasant lighting (reminds me of Arcadia Bellinzago).
I could not take a picture of the actual screen (nel senso americano di "sala"), but rather of the large screen (nel senso italiano di "schermo", voila:
As in the downtown Pathe cinemas, the trailers and the pub are shown in Digital 2K version...so, when the "Feature presentation" begins, one is confronted with the inferior, less defined, darker image of 35mm film.
I hope this is a temporary move, I cannot really understand why Pathe can edit and show all the trailers in perfect Digital Cinema format but is limited to show film in 35mm presentations.
One very strange problem: audio started about three minutes after each segment. It was not "out of sync", just starting late.
Which means, we've got 3 minutes of pub with music, and the first three minutes of the actual feature film with complete silence. Some error in programming, I think.
Audio quality was very good, image was stable (in this respect, a better print that italian copies we saw in 2008-2009), but the image was...was....flou.
Given the fact that this movie has been shot with a mixture of 35m anamorphic, 70mm Superpanavision, and Digital Cinema 4K (4K!), this gives me the impression that the copy was not so good after all....or that the projector lenses were not clean.
Admission fee is somewhat expensive at 10 Euros, but then one gets a 4.5 euro discount for the next movie at pathe.....all in all, a good cinema experience.
Oh, the movie itself: it was in VF (c'est a dire, French!), and the plot was VERY complex, so I understood about 20% of it.
But I knew we were assisting at something about to became as cult as the first Matrix, and worth seeing again in English first, and Italian next.
Posted at 12:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
This time it's 12seconds.
Dear 12ers,
Nearly 3 years ago, David Beach and I decided to grab a beer at a local pub and talk about startup ideas. I told him a dumb idea and he told me about one called 10seconds. I said, "we should do that one." He said, "okay." And that was it. That is until we figured out that 10seconds.tv was already taken. 12seconds sounded pretty good to us too.
We set out on a journey that would take on a wild ride of ups and downs. We experienced birth, death and (Beach) even battled cancer.
Today we are announcing the end of 12seconds.
Why? As you probably know, everything has a life cycle. 12seconds is in its twilight. After all the new product launches and attempts at a revenue model, fundraising with VCs and late night coding sessions with Jacob hunched over his monitors - it's time to call it. It is time to end 12seconds.
However, if 12seconds had a bucket list it would have filled it up with amazing life experiences! We launched an innovative micro-vlogging system, built crazy mobile apps, created revenue with legit sponsors, we were nominated for awards and had the best users on the Internet - our beloved 12ers.
12seconds is not a failure - it is a life well-lived. It really is about the journey. I know this because I'm at the destination.
You're thinking, "holy crap I made like 1000 12second videos, what do I do?" Later this week, we're going to release a download tool for you to capture those moments in time. It will be available until we pull the plug - on October 22nd.
If you have any questions or want to say goodbye, feel free to reply to this e-mail or click here ([email protected]) to wish us all well.
There were a lot of team members and users who made 12seconds an incredible experience. I can't possibly list them all here but you know who you are. Finally, to my co-founders Beach and Jacob - I love you guys.
Sol Lipman
© 2008-2010 12seconds.tv
This e-mail was sent to you from 12seconds.tv because you have an account registered with this e-mail address on our website. Should you wish to delete your account or remove yourself from our mailing list, please do so at http://12seconds.tv/mail_remove.php.
Posted at 09:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
In the past two weeks I've experimented taking pictures (at the low 50 ISO sensibility!) with the new
Sigma DP1S camera (this one). It's a strange animal, a "compact" camera, but with a large "sensor" (as large as the one in the Reflex camera), a 3:2 aspect ratio, and the incredible crisp "foveon" X3 Sensor.
It makes me...wish to swap the Nikon with a Sigma reflex (but don't tell Anto!).
Anyway, here are a few pics that give the idea. Please note images are teoretically only 4 Mega-pixels, but each "pixel location" is actually three pixels (one for each color), something unique to the X3.
So ... try to look at one of the images at maximum resolution (once in the Flickr page) and see by yourself.
Images taken in St Tropez and Cap Ferrat.
Posted at 11:50 PM | Permalink | Comments (4)
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