- Buongiorno, avrebbe un caricatore per film super8 ?
- Guardi che da anni esistono le videocamere!
Excuse-me, do you have a super8 film cartridge?
Hey---it's long gone, now we have video cameras, you know?
This is probably what happens (or would happen) if we walk into a shop and ask for some film.
Nothing, they THINK there's only video now (and not even anymore on cassettes...but on SDcards only).
Well--not so.
Kodak is still producing film, real film, and a growing number of enthusiast use it to create films, real films, not youtube-smartphone clips.
A real film is something that cost in term of time (to concieve, invent, plan, shoot, develop, mount, project) and money (a lot of money for the film itself and for development).
But what you get is a real film, incredible kodachrome (or ektachrome to be fair) colors, and something that cannot be expressed by words other that "the film look".
Which is why CSI Miami, for an example, is shot on film and not on HD video.
Well in Milano every year super8 enthusiast get together for this festival, wichis a mix of market for used equipment, conferences and projections of actual films (movies).
So here are some images from the exibition taken saturday oct 24, 2009.
And dont' miss the review of the incredible movie by Alina Marazzi Hoepli, that anto291 is writing about right now!